What are the dimensions of my graphic?

After selecting the item, all dimensions are visible in the description.

Where can I find the graphic data?

Use our general data graphic sheet to create your graphic. You can download the data sheet directly in the article underneath the description.

How can I send my graphics to cubicworx?

Please send your graphic files as a PDF or the download link to kongress@cubicworx.de.

Can I add my own graphics on site?

After the event please remove all the brought along posters residue-free. For every wall surface that needs to be cleaned due to remaining stickers, we will charge an additional cleaning fee of 45.00 €/h net.

For every walls with non-removable residues, we will charge a replacement-fee of 88.00 € net.

Do I get a proof?

Since you are sending us print-ready data, you will not receive a proof. Print-ready data is data for further processing. A proof copy is therefore not required.

After the data has been sent, cubicworx will check the dimensions and adapt them to the print material.